McCain Is A Douchebag
What is with McCain and his McCronies and this "Obama is a celebrity!" campaign? I don't like McCain or Obama, but one thing that Obama has going for him is that he doesn't come off as a grumpy old man that stares out his window waiting to yell at kids that step on his lawn.
Obama is a celebrity!? He's running for the office of PRESIDENT of the United States of America, he'd damn well better be a "celebrity" by now. At least he's not making arrogant (and incorrect) claims like McCain is about being the "original Maverick". No, Obama's celebrityism (it's a word – promise) comes from him being likable and appealing to the public. Is the McCrony stance on this that Obama wouldn't make a good president because the world likes him more than McCain? Does Alzheimer's affect reasoning too?
Anyway – Ron Paul for President! Wooooh!
spudart said,
McCain wins the gold medal for stupidity.
August 16, 2008 @ 6:36 pm