Canoeing in McDonald's
I had never realized it until just now, but apparently one of my dreams in life is to take a canoe through a McDonald's. YEEEAAAAH!
Exercise Jeans
Imagine if they made pairs of jeans that could double as exercise pants. How scary would gyms be if people could go to the gym in their exercise jeans with matching athletic jean top/jacket?
It's possible that this was actually a trend in the late 60's-early 70's. I'm not entirely sure.
Posted Comments
I've always felt like I should contribute more to other blogs by posting comments. Sure, a lot of the time I don't really have anything worth saying, but when has that ever stopped me? +points at entire blog+
I've decided to borrow an idea from spudart and start keeping track of all the comments I post. I think that having something that I can look at and get a quick overview of my comment behavior might encourage me to comment just a bit more.
I'm debating what to do with these. One possibility is to have a post each month containing all comments I've posted from the previous month, or a "best of" if I ever get to the point of having to weed them down.
And to the random interwebbers that may stumble across this post: if you have a blog that you think is worthy 😛 of my comments, post it here in the comments.
The Gym
One of my goals for this year (not a resolution! I hate "resolutions" – people should just call them "things I'm going to pretend I'm motivated enough to do, but ultimately won't" </rant>) is to start going to the gym. Accomplishing this goal will put me in a position to start on the next goal: losing 5-10lbs of fat, and gaining 15-20lbs of muscle – approximately. The actual target is weighing 175-180lbs and looking better.
For some damn reason though, going to the gym weirds me out, and the process (or the idea of the process) of signing up to experience that leaves an unsettling feeling in my stomach. Oh, and the money thing – yuck.
I'm setting this goal publicly on the internet (that way I have to do it. Right?) I plan on signing up for gym access before the end of this month. There. Goal set.
Tagless T-Shirts
I don't like tags.
A tag inside of the collar of a shirt is awkward at best, and in many cases downright uncomfortable. Luckily, many years ago, many t-shirts started being designed WITHOUT tags! YES! SCORE! Print the size and brand label inside the collar and be done with it.
For some reason though, the simple pleasure of "no tags" could not be sustained. It seems like now, whenever I find a "tagless" t-shirt it now seems to have a tag stitched in near the bottom of the left seam. If there's a place where a tag could be more uncomfortable than right against my neck, they were determined to find it.
Of particular annoyance are t-shirts from The Gap. These follow the trend of "move the tag from the collar to the side of the stomach", but something funny seems to happen to the printed collar label after they reach about one year of age: the lettering starts to wear. I have one shirt where this worn lettering has essentially turned each letter into a potential dagger of discomfort.
What I would like to see are truly tagless t-shirts again. Maybe this time even going as far as skipping the printing inside the collar. I know what brand I'm wearing, I know what size I'm wearing, that info really doesn't need to be anywhere other than on the packaging it's sold in.
It's 1/11/11
It's 1/11/11… which feels like it should have some sort of significance, but I'm not able to find it.
Come on 1/11/11 – BE SIGNIFICANT!