General Updates – 9/25/07

Blog! The blog! blogblogblog

I've made a few changes and additions to sparxMind. There are some minor things that I won't mention, and that will never be visible on your end.. so I'll just skip to the real stuff.

BlogRush – gone. But I already posted about that. See yesterday's post.

Related Posts – this is new. It's a bit quirky, and a bit.. well, let's just leave it at quirky. Now at the end of each post (only on the individual post page, not on any index or archives pages) there is a list of 5 posts that have been determined (automatically, by word frequency) to be the most similar posts on sparxMind. Hopefully it'll help people find older posts that may have slipped through the cracks but are still relevant and interesting.

Top Commentators – there's a new section in the sidebar that lists the most active commentators. The default setting reset the comment count every month. I've changed it so it's a revolving total, and counts all comments made in the last 30 days. I might tweak this later on, maybe move to 15 days, or have it actually reset the counts and start over. I'm not sure yet. In addition to having your name displayed in a box with spudart, if you are one of the top commentators and include your website address when you post a comment it'll put your link in there. I've heard that search engines like pages with links to them. 😉

Speaking of spudart. He posted an excellent Sticky Note Comic today. Of course I couldn't resist editing it a little and recaptioning it like so. I'm proud, so please check it out. 🙂

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  1. spudart said,

    the updates to your site are fantastic. You know what the public is clamoring for next from sparxmind? Sparkly unicorns.

    September 25, 2007 @ 9:00 pm

  2. sparx said,

    working on it

    September 25, 2007 @ 9:04 pm

  3. Kelly (KH) said,

    Thank you! Another vote for sparkly unicorns.

    So, I see Unlikelymoose is trailing me by only a few comments, and since Spudart comments so much he basically doesn't count, does that mean I win?

    September 26, 2007 @ 3:53 pm

  4. sparx said,

    Well, I did filter myself out.. maybe I should add spudart to the list? 😛 kidding.
    I think he still technically wins, if you wanna fight him out over that though, go ahead. 🙂

    September 26, 2007 @ 4:12 pm

  5. spudart said,


    September 26, 2007 @ 4:43 pm

  6. spudart said,

    Oh good. I'm glad there's a post where I can talk about how many comments we have. I now have 23 and am back on top of the hill.

    February 7, 2008 @ 4:53 pm

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