Wal-mart surprise!

I have absolutely no plans for today. Nothing.

I thought I should put some effort into fixing that, so I decided to try to tackle my window cover project that was mentioned in the last post. This meant that a trip to Wal-mart was in order.  Do you ever get to the store, and have a list of everything that you need in your head, and then as soon as you get out of the car or even into the store… *poof*, that list just vaporizes? Yeah, I had one of those moments. Just about the only thing that I could remember was the hooks, which they were out of. For some reason I decided against the cheaper hooks that didn't have the non-messy adhesive, and left empty handed. Next time I'll go with a list so I don't forget the four other things that I need. Hopefully. I probably won't even write up a list.

When I go shopping, I tend to stay focussed on what I need and that's it. I'll grab the occasional impulse buy, maybe a jar of mixed nuts, whatever, but that's semi-rare. If I go shopping with a friend, I don't have any issues with just wandering and looking at everything all day, but when I'm on my own – get it and get out. Anyway, I'm walking towards the back of the store and hear a girl say "oh.. that's different" so I had to stop and look. There's an area in the first big aisle where they have palettes of stuff stacked up, because for some of it it just makes more sense than shelving it. The particular one that we were looking at usually has things like gatorade, or those flavored-ice-in-a-plastic-tube popsicle things, but not today. I guess this Wal-mart now stocks beer. And what better place to put it than right where someone would go if they were looking for gatorade or popsicles? It wasn't a big display, but there was a sign saying that they had more, and different brands, at the front of the store past the registers. They had a lot more.

Good job Wal-mart?

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  1. fnt said,

    I'm going to walzzzmart tonight. Come with.

    August 4, 2007 @ 7:05 pm

  2. sparx said,

    Wish I could hon.

    August 4, 2007 @ 7:10 pm

  3. fnt said,

    I think i just did something weird on here. I joined something. and posted a me picture. and now i'm confused. oh well.

    August 4, 2007 @ 7:15 pm

  4. sparx said,

    Hey.. look.. your picture is over on the right. 🙂

    August 4, 2007 @ 7:20 pm

  5. fnt said,

    yes….but what does that mean?

    August 4, 2007 @ 7:24 pm

  6. sparx said,

    That you decided to signup at mybloglog.com .. and then it put you in the box because you're a recent reader.
    Or am I missing your question still?

    August 4, 2007 @ 7:28 pm

  7. fnt said,

    lol whatever. what does it mean that i've signed up on that??? what is THAT?

    August 4, 2007 @ 7:46 pm

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