New Stuff On The Blog
I've made a few changes to the comments.
If you're a legitimate commenter, and have more than 10 comments posted: the "nofollow" attribute is removed from your homepage link. This means that commenting here can actually improve your google pagerank. People abusing this (spammers, etc) will be beaten and then drowned in jell-o pudding.
(Does this count as a "dofollow" blog now, since I require 10 comments? I think so.)
The total comment count for a user is now displayed on all of their comments. Right now I am the top commenter on my blog (on my own blog! go figure!)… beating spudart by only 10 comments! He's almost more active on my blog than I am! Maybe I should remove the count from my own comments? 😛
Anyway – New Stuff! YAY!