Douglas Adams Day
Douglas Adams – a brilliant man, author of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "trilogy", and unfortunately no longer with us. Through a coincidence that maybe only Douglas himself could see, I've decided that I must organize a tribute to him and his writing. The date – spurred by the repetition of the date for this years olympics (08/08/08) – is 10/10/10.
Why? Since 10/10/10 is just ones and zeros, and could conceivably be a binary number, I decided to convert 101010 to a "real" decimal number – the result, 42. If you've read the Hitchhiker's Guide, you'd know why this is significant and the perfect date.
I did a brief search, and no one seem to have made the link between 10/10/10 and 42 or Douglas Adams. I'm sure someone, somewhere, has – heck, there's probably a group of die-hard fans somewhere with t-shirts already made up for this… but I didn't find anything, and now I feel clever.