First Annual Fort Atkinson (Wisconsin) Flickr Meetup Thingy
And possibly the last.. but "Annual" makes it sound so much more official. (It almost offsets "Thingy".) This event is being organized by me and Kelly, there's a post on her blog with some info and a picture of the place.
Here's the deal –
When: Saturday, September 29 2007 – 6pm
Where: Blackhawk Tavern – Fort Atikinson, WI
Who: All Flickr people in the area, and those willing to travel to this area from wherever they may be
Why: Because. Fun. Do it.
Here's the tentative "I'm showing up list":
Kelly (flickr)
(Me) sparx (flickr)
spudart (flickr)
Kyle (flickr)
Katie (flickr)
If you're interested in coming, leave a comment on here (make sure to include a link to your flickr page), on Kelly's post, or on the picture of the Blackhawk Tavern.
Also, if you decide to come out, maybe post about it and try to get some more people out. If you get anyone else that's interested, either come back to one of the "official" meetup pages and give us a heads-up, or have them do the same.. just so we can keep track of whether or not anyone is actually going to show.
Kate said,
whoo-hoo! i'm so very excited about the annual flickr get-together! of course, i'd never pass up a chance to hang out with you awesome people and other flickr freaks (spoken lovingly) and taste all of that yummy food at the blackhawk tavern 🙂 can't wait til saturday!
September 26, 2007 @ 8:59 am
Tomorrow is the Big Event! | sparxMind said,
[…] tomorrow is the most exciting even to hit Fort Atkinson, WI. EVER. That's right, it's our big flickr meetup thing. Check that link for more information on the time and place. If you're one of those people […]
September 28, 2007 @ 10:14 pm