Free Stock – Get a free stock from Robinhood
I'm a big fan of referral programs.
Getting a cut or commission because you helped someone find something they wanted? Awesome!
Getting a free stock, by helping someone else get a free stock… with ZERO cost or purchases required? Double Awesome!
Robinhood is a no-fee brokerage. Where most brokerages charge $5-10 per trade, Robinhood charges $0. The only costs are the SEC regulatory fees when stocks are sold, which for most sales would literally amount to pennies (like less than 10 pennies).
If you sign up for an account at Robinhood by clicking the image above (or clicking this link) you will get one share of one random company.
On June 2nd I received one share of SWN (worth $6.19, now worth $6.20!), and on June 6th I received one share of ODP (worth $5.12, now worth $5.54) after referring another friend. It looks like I'm only up $0.43, but keep in mind, those were free stocks, so I'm actually ahead by $11.74.
There are some good stocks in the mix like Amazon, Tesla, Apple, etc, but the chances of getting anything worth more than $10 are probably pretty slim.
The one real limit on this referral program is that the maximum amount of free stock you can earn is $500. It's a longshot, but if I hit that, I'll swap out the links on this page with someone that used my referral link.
So if you sign up, let me know in the comments.
If I hit the $500 limit I'll rotate through those referral links – one month at a time, in the order received.
Tags: free stock, investing, robinhood
Matt Maldre said,
I signed up and got one stock of RAD (Rite Aid) worth $2.94. Two seconds later it said it's worth $2.95! I made an extra penny!
June 15, 2017 @ 2:50 pm
spudart said,
Oh wow! The comment count reset! It says I have nine comments. OH WAIT. Maybe because I'm commenting as a different name. Whoaaaaaa! I'm gonna comment this one as my original name, spudart. (and clicking ON the notify of followup comments, because I forgot to do that with my previous comment)
June 15, 2017 @ 2:52 pm
sparx said,
Quit changing names. 😀
I also got one stock of RAD!
June 15, 2017 @ 2:55 pm
spudart said,
We are making RAD rad again. Or, at least Robinhood is.
June 15, 2017 @ 3:02 pm
spudart said,
I'm glad to see this post appearing on the homepage. It took a hard refresh, but now it's there.
June 15, 2017 @ 3:21 pm
spudart said,
I can't wait to get to a four-figure count in comments.
June 15, 2017 @ 3:22 pm