First post

No good blogs (or bad ones for that matter) are created without some sort of reason… some underlying goal that the soon-to-be blogger may not even realize. Without a good foundation, I think it's only obvious as to whether or not the project will be able to succeed. I hope my foundation is strong.

I find that many of the blogs that I read are, for the most part, simply rehashing articles or linking to posts from other blogs. If I see something interesting on one, I'm bound to see it 2-3 more times within the next few days. It's a bit frustrating, but it's an easy way to build up the content and bring in more readers. I think I'll probably end up doing quite a bit of that. Hopefully my selections of things to post about will be helpful or entertaining for a few of you out there, but if not, at least I have a centralized "journal" to keep track of things that I find interesting.

I have a strong interest in personal development articles. Most of them seem to point out things that are common sense, or things that we've been told all our lives, but reading through those ones can still give a different perspective on a situation and help to sort out any thoughts that need sorting. Every once-in-awhile you read something that changes the way you think, not always for the better, but something that helps or will help get further down the path of life and hopefully closer to the ultimate goal of happiness. Those are what I look for.. they're not easy to find. Having just removed myself from a messy and unhealthy relationship, I wish I had kept track of what I read that helped me through it. I went from being a mess to realizing that I was holding on to something that wouldn't make me happy and wasn't where I really wanted to be – a conclusion that I don't think I would have come to by just sitting around and being depressed.

My second major area of focus, right now, is on being a responsible part of this planet. Doing things like finding ways to use less energy, to create less waste, and to just decrease my overall footprint. This is an important one to me. There's a lot more that I can do, and a lot more that others can do to help. We need to do what we can to keep the environment safe and healthy for ourselves, and for the future generations.. if we don't, then we've failed.. it's that simple.

Now that I'm pretty strapped for cash, money saving ideas, cheap/easy/fast/healthy meals, and stuff like that are probably going to surface on a regular basis. And then there are the articles about boosting productivity – those are sometimes helpful.

That's it for now. If you're reading this, then you're probably not finding whatever it is you were trying to search for.. but if you want to drop a comment anyway, any suggestions for content, or just interesting comments, are always appreciated.

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  1. spudart said,

    Hey! Welcome to the blogging world! You will find that having a blog slightly changes your perspective on the world, as everything has the potential to become a blog post. You will be on the outlook for new and interesting observations.

    If you want to keep track of your links, I highly recommend it's so incredibly handy to be able to tag your bookmarks and then easily retrieve them. My delicious page is at 🙂

    August 1, 2007 @ 4:22 pm

  2. sparX said,

    I wouldn't exactly call myself "new" to the blogging world.. just a bit rusty, and trying to change focus. I don't think I've blogged at all for at least a year now, but my previous blog (hosted on the now dead was going for about 2 years. That was an interesting host, very community driven and linked, which made promotion effortless.

    Thanks for the welcome though. It's good to have some comments start rolling in. 🙂

    August 1, 2007 @ 4:28 pm

  3. spudart said,

    I cannot wait for your first blog birthday on July 21, 2008.

    April 3, 2008 @ 10:00 am

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