Vacation – The End

Today is my first day of work since last Tuesday. I'm definitely less than excited to come back.

I hoped, I REALLY hoped that everything would work out and that I'd come back and things would be just like I hadn't taken any time off. I was relieved when I came in and it looked (almost) like that was the case. I had almost gotten things caught up to a level where it felt about right.. and then things started falling apart. Apparently my job isn't as easy as I like to believe it is, because I've just spent almost the last 45 minutes trying to fix a multitude of mistakes that were made in my absence. I'm afraid to see what else manages to come up before the day is done.

Part of me (my ego I believe) is kinda like "Oh.. HA! Look what happens when I leave. It all falls apart." But.. ugh.  It's an easy job, and to have it fall apart at the hands of the student who I thought knew almost as much about the various processes as I do – it disappoints me. It worries me. It makes me reluctant to ask for another 2 days off next week.

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1 Comment »

  1. Kate said,

    the library does fall apart when you're not here! you can never leave again! JK….you shouldn't feel guilty about taking vacation. it's something you earned and something the job gives to you, for your mental health which will make you a more productive worker (or so we like to think). it's always hard to come back after such a wonderful vacation away from all the stress of everyday mundane work. i still miss my 4-day weekends from this past summer 🙁

    i've got some candy this week…for halloween…you'll have to stop by and get some candy…that'll make you feel a bit better about being back at work 🙂

    October 22, 2007 @ 3:52 pm

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