Woodchuck 802
I'm a big fan of Woodchuck Draft Cider. LOOOVE the stuff. Depending on my mood at the time, I'll either go for the Amber or the Raspberry flavor (it's good! I know some people don't like it… but… I do! So there!).
Last night when I went to the store I saw a NEW flavor. 802. I don't know how long this stuff has been around, but I've never run across it before, so I'll assume it's new-ish-er. I was curious about the name, err number rather, so I did a bit of googling. It turns out it's named after the 802 area code in Vermont (where it's made).
First impression: it's drier than the Amber variety, but not as dry as a good glass of Strongbow. In fact, since I'm really bad at explaining tastes, I'll just say that 802 is somewhere in between Woodchuck Amber Cider and Strongbow Cider.
Is it my favorite? I'm not sure, but it's definitely hitting the spot right now!