Today Was a Snow Day!

The Governor of Wisconsin not only called off classes, but also told me not to work today!

So… Mario Kart with my roommate; pizza, chicken wings, cookie making, and Harry Potter with the old neighbors (neighbors that moved, not "old people" old.. I think they're actually younger than me. damn kids).

Good day!

Snow Day

More Snow Day

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Sumotori Dreams – It's Like Watching Drunk People Fight!

Check out the video for this game "Sumotori Dreams"

You are one of two blockoid characters. The object is to knock your opponent outside of the circle (sumo wrestling style) or to be the last one standing. The controls are simple, arrow keys move, backspace shoves with two hand, and enter shoves with one hand.

The gameplay resembles a couple drunk guys stumbling around shoving at each other. It's really quite humorous.

It's a small (VERY) download, PC only. If you want to give it a try you can find it on the Sumotori Dreams website.

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Looking For: "Shark Bites" Fruit Snack Recipe

All fruit snacks are not created equal.

I remember that back when I was a kid, I had decided that Shark Bites were the best fruit snack ever. Not overly chewy like a gummy bear, and not leathery like a fruit rollup. Shark Bites are almost like the Dots (that most people only ever consider eating while at a movie theatre), but without as much of the "stick to your tooth"-iness.


I saw a box the last time I went grocery shopping and couldn't resist.

But what if I wanted to make these things from scratch? There's gotta be someone with a recipe that'll get me close to this perfectly chewy goodness.

Anyone? 🙂

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Hey Look! It Snowed!

People that actually know me know how much I love snow. 0.

I love snow 0.

If I was going to go sledding, or build a snowman, or fort, or something cool… I would temporarily love the heck out of snow.

So yesterday it started snowing BIG huge snowflakes. And somehow I managed to inhale a few of them up my nose.

The worst part about snow is the driving. I don't mind driving in snow that much, but EVERY year people forget how to do it. I drove past 3 cars that were off in the ditch, probably 10-15 police cars, 1 fire engine, and 2 rescue squad vehicles. There was less than an inch of snow on the ground. Yeah, it was slick, but.. wow. After a week of having snow on the ground, these people will be back to speeding along right behind me, but somehow the first time they see snow, they instantly become suicidal lemmings and try to follow each other of a cliff.

I end my little rant with a picture of my car with snow on it.
My car... with snow

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Technology – Camouflage for the Crazies

As a culture, we (normally) embrace the latest and greatest technology. Why? Because if we don't, we miss out, we get left behind, and we don't get to directly reap the benefits of that advancement. Even if we can't afford the newest and best, it doesn't prevent us from lusting for that phone, that computer, that TV, self tuning guitar, etc.

But another effect that all this technology has is that it causes us to perform actions that aren't really "normal". For example, watch a person play a game on the Nintendo Wii and you may see a lot more stationary flailing and moving than you would expect a person to do.

The biggest offender though – Bluetooth headsets.

The world used to be a simpler place, where, if you saw a person carrying on half of a conversation while walking down the street, you could generally assume it would be wise to steer clear. (If they were carrying on both sides of the conversation, it was, and still is best to just run.) But now, it's not that easy. To judge the craziness of a person that appears to be talking to themselves, we must check and see if they have a Bluetooth implant dangling out of their ear – but that check is itself potentially dangerous, and needs to be done discreetly to avoid causing suspicion and potentially inciting a paranoia attack from an imbalanced individual. And even if they do have such a device hanging from their skull, there's no way to be sure that they're actually using it at the moment!

I propose that we phase this potential (and highly dangerous) situation out quickly. And the best way to do that is by shunning and avoiding anyone that uses such a Bluetooth device.

I'm pretty sure there's no other way.

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Google Wave Invites Sent

I've sent out the invites to the winners of my "Google Wave Invites" comment posting contest thingy. There were 5 invites available, and only 5 comments made… so, if you left a comment, you should be getting an invite soon. Again, I'm not sure how quickly Google will send them out, but you guys are on the list.

Also, I've received more invites since that post was made, so I will give out 5 more comments to the next 5 commenters on that post.

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Thriller Dancing Bot [YouTube Video]

Check out this little robot "dancing" to Thriller. It gets a bit (a lot) repetitive, but it's kinda cool.

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