Holy Earthquakes!

Hey guys… all these earthquakes… ummm.

I think this is how it all starts. A bunch of earthquakes, some essential systems get knocked offline, chaos ensues. And then the zombies attack.

It's important that we all do our parts to take it easy and try to minimize new earthquakes to slow down this scenario. Here are some starter ideas:

  • Walk more softly
  • Don't jump, ever
  • No more rock music, only play elevator music
  • Carry tranquilizer guns to be used on construction workers
  • etc

Even if you know that you're going to be whisked away during the rapture, and won't have to face the zombie apocalypse that will mark the beginning of Armageddon, let's try to slow things down for those of us that will stay here and fight.

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BEHOLD! T-Rex from Dinosaur Comics in ASCII FORM!!!!

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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

I just received a request for an article from the journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences". Which they abbreviate as "PNAS".

That's all I have to say about that.

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Exploding Head Syndrome

Exploding head syndrome – it sounds a lot more destructive than it actually is.. but yes, it is a real thing.

Exploding head syndrome is a condition that causes the sufferer occasionally to experience a tremendously loud noise as originating from within his or her own head, usually described as the sound of an explosion, roar, waves crashing against rocks, loud voices or screams, a ringing noise, or the sound of an electrical short circuit (buzzing).

While it would totally suck to suffer from something like that, I think it would be great to be able to look someone in the eye and say "Yeah, I had to go see the doctor about my Exploding head syndrome…"

Also, if I started hearing electrical buzzing in my head… you'd have a hard time convincing me that I wasn't the most advanced robot ever.

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My Pre can beat up your Pre!

So, after I managed to get the WebOS 1.4 update to take on my phone, my Pre suddenly had the amazing ability to record and edit video. SWEEET! Although I still haven't really used it other than to test it – it seems like it was well implemented.

Last night, however, I decided to kick things up a notch. I have a touchstone charger, which charges my phone wirelessly, so the only time I need to plug in a cable is to transfer files (music) to/from my laptop. I don't like cables, and I don't like the stupid connector on the Pre… so… I set up OpenSSH on the darn thing, which allows me to connect over WiFi and get to my phone's command line AND drag and drop files to it via WiFi! That's right! I can now load/unload this thing with music without having to plug it into anything.

My Pre will never again be violated by cables!

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Palm Pre – WebOS 1.4 Update Locked Up

Unfortunately, I'm probably one of the few Pre owners that will run into any problems updating their phone to WebOS 1.4, which was released just hours ago.

The "updating" throbber froze at just over 1/3 complete, leaving me with a completely still screen telling me at the bottom "Installing Update Do not remove battery". Crap. After giving it another 20 minutes to make sure it was really stuck… it was.

So I did exactly what it was telling me not to. I opened up the back cover (and was surprised by how much dust had accumulated inside my phone), pulled out the battery, put it back in, and turned the phone back on.

And it worked. The Pre went right back into the update process and a few minutes later was already past the point where it had originally frozen.

So, if anyone else has this problem, and the throbber isn't even spinning. Try yanking the battery.

If that doesn't work, you can try the webOS Doctor available from Palm's website (webOS Doctor [palm.com]). webOS Doctor will completely wipe and restore your phone to the latest webOS version, this means you'll lose any pictures and media you had on the phone (try mounting the phone in USB mode and downloading all files before doing a recovery). Your contacts, calendar events, and tasks will be synchronized with your palm profile.

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Rainbow In Your Hand

Check out this cool flipbook – "RAINBOW IN YOUR HAND"


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