Habanero Salsa
Dear Qdoba Habanero Salsa,
You are the best salsa ever.
The Daily Show
In case you haven't heard, The Daily Show is back on Hulu!
This is great for people like me.
People that:
1) Don't have cable; and
2) Can't remember to check The Daily Show's website daily to watch it online. (I subscribe to the Hulu RSS for the show – no remembering necessary!)
So, while the entire world seems to have the day off because of the recent blizzard… I am at work.
Having to start the day off with a shovel and wet shoes has stifled my ability to think, so this is as close to a post as I'm going to get today.
Perhaps tomorrow will be better.
Perhaps tomorrow I will have the beginning of a FAWM song.
Ready… set… BLIZZARD!
Here comes the blizzard.
We're gonna get so blizzarted… it's times like these that I wish I still had a pair of snow pants.
Yesterday spudart said "we are gonna get blitzard", but I like the way "blizzarted" sounds better. What do you think?
Do you think people with last names like Slayer ever seriously toy with the idea of giving their kid an awesome name?
Like "Zombie", "Vampire", "Demon", or "Dragon"?
I wonder how difficult it would be for a kid growing up named "Dragon Slayer".